Monday, October 29, 2007
Journal Entry #29

Journal Entry #28
I am sorry! I did not go to the ALP Halloween party, so I did not have any pictures from this party to post. The ALP Halloween party was hold from 8:30 PM to 12:00 PM that so late for me to take the bus and walk alone.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Bonus Entry
A man and his son were saved from a house fired by a noisy parrot that likes to imitate sounds. The man said that they woke about 3 A.M. and realized their house on fire. The fired alarm of their house had rung but they have not heart. The man was woken up by the noisy parrot, and he grabbed his son and his bird and got out of the house. According to investigation, the fire made many damages like the house's dining room, kitchen and bedroom were destroyed, but his family was saved.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Journal Entry #27

Las Vegas
Las Vegas is the largest U.S. city in the state of Nevada, United States, and to be internationally known beautiful landmarks, especially gambling destination. If you are going to Las Vegas, you should take a Grand Canyon Air tour to see the most famous landmarks in the West like the Grand Canyon - Home of the Hualapai Indians, Lake Mead - the largest man-made lake in the United States, the Colorado River - the primary river of the southwest and the Hoover Dam - which stands 725 feet above the Colorado River. You can be guided by Hualapai Indian guides and enjoyed the great scenic view of the various types of wild life. Moreover, the major attractions in Las Vegas are the casinos. There are many casinos in the city's downtown area which was the original focal point of the city's gaming industry. The most famous casinos is located in Las Vegas Boulevard South as well as several large casinos are also located in the county around the city. I have some suggestions on how you can win a lot of money. First, start to play game, you should check out for free lessons at your casino. Most casinos offer free lessons on a variety of games -- craps, pokers, roulette and more. Second, watch the game to be playing for helping you have important insights such as where and when to place bets and which hand to use when picking up your cards. For example, in Craps game, you can not use your hand, but in Caribbean Stud Poker, you can use your hand when picking up your cards. Finally, ask the dealers questions. You have rules that you must abide and they're not playing with their own money, so they have nothing to hide. Las Vegas is the exciting city where any tourist wants to be gone once time at least.
Journal Entry #26
There are some different and similar things about basketball and football. The way that basketball and football are played is different. The football field is 100 yards long and it is played on grass. In basketball, you can play basketball inside or outside, and you also play it on concrete or on a wooden floor. The equipment that basketball and football use are different too. For example, playing basketball to use jersey, shoes, a sphere ball, a back board, and a hoop. Meanwhile, people use cleats, a diamond ball, thigh pads, knee pads, and a back

Journal Entry #25

Two Major Fast Food Restaurants
Journal Entry #24
A Person Who Has Made a Difference
A person who has made a difference is one of my friends. He is a real man, very kind person, and loves his family so much. In addition, he is very selfless. He is 28 years old but has not had any lover up to now and it seems like he is his mother’s property. He loves and respects his mom a lot. Everything he has done is for his family, not for him. For example, he always gives his mother all his wages. I think he lives for others and forgets about himself. He works so hard and does everything his mom wants him to do. I think that his mom loves him so much that she always controls him, and does not want him to do anything that anybody wants. Sometimes, he is really sad and wants to have a private life, but he doesn’t because he wants to help others. In conclusion, he is always willing to do things for others more than for himself.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Journal Entry #23

Journal Entry #22

Journal Entry #21
Journal Entry #20

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Journal Entry #19

Journal Entry #18

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Journal Entry #17

Journal Entry #16
One day when I looked at the photographs taken during my childhood days, most embarrassing moment about many memories of my childhood came to me. It is said that, childhood is the most beautiful period of a man’s life. However, this is not true to all people. It must be lucky for those who live in happy families because they have no worries and do not work very hard, except for their study. They are looked after and loved by their good parents. Their childhood is full of pleasant memories. On the contrary, it is unfortunate for a person who has to go to work too early. His childhood is full of worries, and his memories are the days of earning money or bad experiences. My childhood was very happy. Since I was born my mother has always taken a good care of me in everything. My father usually appears at any important events in my life such as the first day I went to school; the day I took my high school-extrance exam, or when I sat in the college-entrance examination... As you know, being loved by my grandparents I was a rather naughty child. I like chocolates, ice-cream but I hates meals. I can recall how my grandmother had to run after me whenever she wanted me to have lunch or dinner. I could run faster than her, shouting noisily. But sometimes, she told me fairy tales. My favorite story was “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. Anyway, the happy or miserable childhood can’t be forgotten. Those memories have been lasting during one’s life.
Journal Entry #15